Mar 21, 2012

Baby.... You Don't Need Your Body.

Baby Scorpie. 
You don't need your body anymore. 
Just follow the angels to the light.
We are placing it in a very safe and beautiful place. 
You will have friends around you.
Some kitties to chase around with.

You are a pretty girl.

15th November 2003 - 20th March 2012

8 Years 4 Months 5 Days

Scorpie baby..
I remember you that small in my embrace when i brought you home.
you refused to sleep alone.
i put you in this huge box so you could sleep.
you cried, you scratched the box
i carried you out. placed you by my side.
covered you with my blanket.
you closed your eyes.

you are afraid of thunder, firecrackers, fireworks.
you shiver when you hear them.
but daddy never allowed you in the house.
instead, we closed the door so you couldn't come in.

you like outdoor, run around, growling at cats.
we put a choke chain on you so you couldn't chase after cats.
we live in a condominuim, small place and get to walk about only when we bring you down to do business.

we once put you at a friend's place.
we were too busy, no one could take care of you.
Miss Rottweiler bit you on your head, nearly blinded.
(that was the first time i cried for you)

sometimes i am too tired, i came home and i ignored your greetings.
you still wiggled you fluffy tail and tried to lick me.
i pushed you away.

sometimes i cry when i am sad,
and i sat beside you, you looked at me as if you understood my feelings
maybe you did.

I remember that Saturday morning, you started vomiting whatever you ate.
Just if i brought you to the vet earlier.
Just if the doctor did a scan on you earlier.
Just if everything was diagnosed earlier.
Just if you did not leave me.

You went for your first surgery, doctor asked us to be prepared.
(this was the second time i cried for you)

I felt reluctant to go see you.
i was selfish, i was afraid that once you see me you will leave peacefully and never gonna come back again.
I know you were waiting for me.

i finally went see you the next morning.
You looked so tired. You tried to stand and wiggle your tail.
i can see how hard you tried.
is ok baby, i know you are sick.

you refused to look at me when you failed to stand.

doctor had to feed you, cause you refuse to eat.

i can see how tired you are from your eyes

after forcing down food. you gained abit energy.
Maybe it is time for me to greet you and care for you unconditionally. Like how you always do. 

One Week After..... 
Doctor said your stomach is twisted and knotted. 
So you underwent a second surgery. 
which made you weaker. 
This is the last picture i took of you.
I know you can't take the pain no more. 
sorry for putting you through all these.
This is also the last time i see you breathing. 
Warm breathe and body.

I went to work.... 
I was really quiet...
I didnt feel good...
Evening... received a call.
Angels came yeah baby?  
Are they beautiful? 
You be good ok? Be happy. Wiggle your tail..
Run all you can in heaven. 
Leave your sick body. 
No more pain
No more suffer

Rest In Peace 
15th Nov 2003 - 20 March 2012